Acid-Base Balance and Cancer

Acid-Base Balance and Cancer

Acid-Base Balance is the maintenance of a normal level of hydrogen ion (H +) concentration in body fluids. The ion concentration (H +) of a solution determines its degree of acidity. The physiological pH is between 7.35–7.45. Blood is the organic liquid where the pH must always have the physiological pH, otherwise it would endanger our life. On the other hand, the rest of our body fluids can have pH variations. The western diet, stress, lack of exercise tend to acidify the body.

Oxygen levels increase in relation to pH. That is, if the pH decreases (acidification), the oxygen levels also decrease. Cancer cells have an extremely acidic environment and with low oxygen levels, therefore alkalizing the body is another tool used to slow tumor growth in Integrative Oncology. Alkalinization is done through modifying the diet and nutritional supplements. The pH control is performed by urine test strips.

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